Thursday, May 13, 2010


     So this is my first official blog. First off I want to share WHY I have decided to blog.  I recently stumbled upon the world of blogging and God has really blessed me by shining His light onto the lives of some of his children.  I feel so blessed to have been shown such love and affection from a great and mighty God in my time...times of need.  God has used the stories of the lives of a few of his precious children to encourage and inspire me.  So...I really want to put my story out there as well.  I am blessed to be called His. I am constantly searching for him, and as my good friend said yesterday, I am so in love with Him I want everyone to experience Him too. 
     With that said, let me be clear. I am terribly imperfect. I fall down all the time...and He picks me up.  And well, that's the point. I want to share my victories and make them a permanent fixture to relive daily. Since there are victories to be had, one must know that there are battles.  Being a child of God doesn't mean I'm perfect, it means that I know that only He is.
     Now that I have spoke that piece, I've got to get back to my day...I'll be back to tell you the rest ;)

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